Hong Kong Tax Services

(1) Providing corporate tax compliance services; giving tax advice on structuring tax-exempt offshore activities and transactions; 

(2) Giviing advice on salaries tax compliance and planning, including tax equalization plan;

(3) Providing consultation on double tax agreement (multilateral and bilateral DTAs), including the determination of residence, application for resident status certificate, determination of permanent establishment with treaty partners, withholding tax on dividend, interest, royalty, cross-border service charges, automatic exchange of informatin (AEOI), reciprocal and non-reciprocal competent authority agreements (CAAs);

(4) Providing consultation on tax information exchange agreement (TIEA), including the scope of exchange of information, the legal obligation for record keeping, the power of the tax authorities to access information and the exchange of information upon request;

(5) Assistance in application of advance price ruling (APA) and mutual agreement procedure (MAP);

(6) Assisting in applying for tax-exempt charities under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. See the IRD's approval [here].


PRC Tax Services

We provide both tax consultation and agent services:

  • Providing update information on PRC tax laws, administrative regulations and rules including corporate income tax, VAT, business Tax and consumption tax, city property tax, deed tax and stamp tax;
  • Providing consultation on issues relating to taxation, foreign exchange, accounting, use, issue and custody of tax invoices;
  • Providing consultation on the avoidance of double taxation on income under the PRC tax treaty framework (multilateral and bilateral tax treaties), updates on exchange of information on request(EOIR) and automatic exchange of information (AEOI);
  • Tax declaration and filing for PRC individual income tax (IIT) for foreign nationals and residents of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau.



  • Advising on company structure, capital structure, share swap, asset swap, conversion of debt into capital, capital contribution by non-monetary assets, share transfer and asset transfer, accounting for M&A, turnover tax and income tax implications.
  • Advising on direct and indirect acquisition, cross-border acquisition, taxable and non-taxable acquisition
  • Advising on direct and indirect share transfer across border, tax implication on transfer. 
  • Advising on voluntary liquidation, deregistration of Hong Kong and PRC companies.
  • Advising on drafting and notarization of contracts and agreements.
  • Advising on provisions of double tax treaty on rental income earned from landed properties, and capital gain on disposal of landed properties in HK and China.